Why Punch
It's Fun
Boxing is not just a sport, it’s LOVE.
Learning a new skill is always cool to do and very entertaining. Never repetitive and there’s always a new move to learn or to improve. Whether it was a solo, duo or a group session.
Stress Free
Punching requires all the attention you can give, makes you zone out of what’s happening in the real world and it release your happy hormones.
It's Healthy
There’s countless number of health benefits when doing boxing It’s a great way to burn a lot of calories, get stronger and faster and have better reflexes. It can also be a fantastic way to help you lose weight or build muscles.
Let’s not forget that its also an amazing exercise for your heart and mind.
Give You Confidence
After each session your confidence grows more and more. Knowing that you will be able to defend your self if needed is self-comforting.
By the way it’s look super badass when you see yourself punching like a champion.